
Long Time Gone

I've been contracting at Microsoft since just after my last post. I'm working on the UI for the new operating system, Vista, which is set to come out some time this year. I get to render lots of cools stuff in Photoshop and work on some exciting applications.

I finished up the program booklet and other print collateral for the OCA dinner. Now it seems word of my good will towards non-profits has spread and I've picked up another project for a Chinese Education Fund non-profit. Because of these projects and my fine arts projects, has been neglected for the past few months. I have some cool ideas for spicing it up . . . but I really need to work on content as well . . .

The digital camera seems to be out of operation so I won’t be able to post my fine arts projects for a while. And, of course, I’m working under some serious secrecy at Microsoft so I can’t show any of those projects . . .

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